Holidays, Lists, Writer's Life

National Introverts Week!

Did you know that last week was National Introverts Week (March 21-27)? It's no surprise if you didn't. Do you expect an introvert to broadcast this and celebrate? Probably not. When I think of introverts, I picture someone who is quiet, reserved, and a bit of a loner. It always seems odd when famous people—actors,… Continue reading National Introverts Week!

Lists, Music, Writer's Life

Word Candy

Language is fluid, always changing to incorporate new words and phrases. I’m old school and absolutely refuse to accept new meanings or made-up words in my speech or text.  My characters will never refer to each other as Bae. They will never call something “adorbs”. Colorful speech bubbles I am far less rigid when accepting phrases,… Continue reading Word Candy

Urban Fantasy, Writer's Life

Celebrate Pride with 📚 Books

️Celebrate Pride Month with new books! If you haven’t read After Midnight, you can enter to win it today — plus 30+ exciting LGBTQ+ novels from a great collection of authors AND a brand new eReader 😁Here’s the link When you’re done, comment to let me know you’ve entered! Find Trevann at Picture… Continue reading Celebrate Pride with 📚 Books

health, Love, Writer's Life

The Season of (Self)Love

When you think of  February, you picture red hearts, candy, and flowers.  We go to romantic dinners, have weekend getaways, and enjoy the company of our loves. But February can also be the perfect time to show love for yourself. Last year was stressful on many levels. We were lucky enough to be able to… Continue reading The Season of (Self)Love


Portland Fires: A Writer’s Block of Immense Proportions

Photo by Pixabay on It has been nearly impossible to concentrate on writing, or much of anything else, these past few days. Instead my days have become a routine of constantly checking Covid-19 statistics for three states, and checking for evacuation orders for the West Coast. You see, I have a loved one who lives in… Continue reading Portland Fires: A Writer’s Block of Immense Proportions

summer, Writer's Life

Hurricanes and Tornados? Thanks,2020!

In 2020, don't say "It could be worse." Apparently, it's listening. Monday night the Weather Channel notified us of hurricane warnings. Rule obeyers that we are, we did all the things we were suppose to do. We brought in yard tools and decor that would likely be broken in the wind and battened down that… Continue reading Hurricanes and Tornados? Thanks,2020!