summer, Writer's Life

Weird Weather, Confused Flowers, and the Nibbler: My Summer So Far

It’s June and I have finally put away the last of my winter clothes and will hope for the best.  After all, last Saturday the temperatures were in the mid 90s and the rest of the weekend saw the temperature stay in the low 50s.  How are we supposed to find room for clothes that… Continue reading Weird Weather, Confused Flowers, and the Nibbler: My Summer So Far

Dogs, Family, writing

My Life: Laughing Out Loud

I’ve been known to embarrass myself by breaking into laughter at inappropriate moments. Who doesn’t enjoy laughing? I have laughed so hard at movies that my sides hurt. In fact, I have laughed through movies that apparently the rest of the audience did not find funny, like Tremors. Offbeat humor is one of the things… Continue reading My Life: Laughing Out Loud

books, Nanowrimo, paranormal romance, Urban Fantasy, writing

The Most Wonderful (insane) Time of Year

It's insanity season again--otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month. This is a time when a group of ambitious writers vow to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. This will be my 5th year as a participant. I've never won. I usually do well until Thanksgiving week when we have out of state… Continue reading The Most Wonderful (insane) Time of Year

books, paranormal romance, Uncategorized

Cover Reveal: After Midnight-Prequel to House of the Rising Son

Yay! Im excited to reveal the cover of my upcoming novella, After Midnight. It's the prequel to House of the Rising Son, and answers the question-- Who gave birth to Cheyenne’s children? Check out the back cover blurb: ~~~~~~~ Improbable love. Impossible life. Immeasurable danger. Jewell’s stepfather thinks she’s worthless. She agrees. When she looks… Continue reading Cover Reveal: After Midnight-Prequel to House of the Rising Son

Urban Fantasy, writing

Writers’ Conferences: Evolving to Extinction?

Attending writing conferences has been my favorite activity for the past several years. I've attended many of them, usually several each year. I loved the workshops, enjoyed meeting new authors (both published and not yet published) and took the opportunity to pitch my stories to agents and editors who attended for the purpose of hearing… Continue reading Writers’ Conferences: Evolving to Extinction?

paranormal romance, Urban Fantasy, world building, writing

I Write the Story

 I'm not one of those writers who believes her characters do whatever they want to do. I'm not interested in interviewing them, asking them what they want to wear or anything of the sort. I'm a plotter. I write what I want to see happen. It would be a little psychotic (if one can be… Continue reading I Write the Story