Novels and Novellas

Paul Rockwell is a trained government assassin whose mission is to kill a corrupt Saudi prince funding Al-Qaeda.  His wife, Casey, a distinguished physician, has given up her career and is living an assumed life because Paul promised her this would be his last mission. When Casey receives word that her husband has been wounded, she and their toddler unwittingly become hostages.

Will Paul and his elite team be able to rescue his family and still complete their mission? Or will he make the ultimate sacrifice – his family for his country?

Sex. Rebellion. Rock and Roll.

An incubus and two toddlers walk into a bar…wait. That’s no joke. That’s Cheyenne’s life, and you weren’t supposed to see them.

Cheyenne, a half-human incubus, is good at keeping secrets. He keeps his music career hidden from his tyrannical father. He keeps his true nature as an incubus secret from the humans whose lust sustains him. And he keeps his children unknown to the incubi, especially the royal family—his family.

As Cheyenne’s musical career takes off, his carefully constructed life begins to unravel, exacerbated by an ex-lover who can’t let go, a crotchety barkeeper with a dirty mind and a pure heart, a drag queen who moonlights as a nanny, and Alexander—who’s not sure if he’s falling for the incubus or the rocker.

His so-called friends and family conspire to make Cheyenne choose between his children and his career, but he isn’t playing that game. He doesn’t buy into the “your kids could save the race” madness. He only has to keep them safe. Besides he’s got bigger plans—he’s going to be a rockstar.

Warning: Contains hot were-tiger sex, a Thanksgiving celebration that makes the Inquisition look like a tea party, and an incubus who’ll rock your world.

Copyright ©2015 First Edition Trevann Rogers
Second Edition Copyright © 2017 Trevann Rogers

Improbable love. Impossible life. Immeasurable danger.

(A Living After Midnight Novella)

Jewell’s stepfather thinks she’s worthless. She agrees. When she looks in the mirror she sees an overweight, overemotional, overeating mess who can’t keep her fangs to herself.

Ria hails from a family of old world vamps who’d be happy to share their wealth with her, if only she’d fall in line. Fat chance, especially since being in that line includes not being gay.

Being in love is easy for Ria and Jewell—the young vampires belong together like vodka and tomato juice. Adding Cheyenne, a talented and sexy incubus, to their union is the hot sauce in their Bloody Mary. The only problem? Vampires and incubi are mortal enemies.

Despite the odds Ria, Jewell and Cheyenne find their way to happiness. But Jewell is hiding a huge secret, one that defies the laws of procreation: She’s going to have a baby.

While she tries to figure out how to break the unbelievable news to her lovers, a horror from Jewell’s past slithers into her present, forcing choices no one should have to make.

Will it be love or death? Happiness or safety? She has until dawn to decide…and it’s already After Midnight

Copyright 2016Trevann Rogers

There is nothing sexier than confidence and when it comes to love and passion, size doesn’t matter. This anthology of nine stories ranges from sassy to sexy to sizzling, from contemporary to paranormal, and from new love to established relationships. What they all have in common is heroines who know they are more than the image they see in the mirror and who cannot be defined by the so-called rules of mainstream media. Here you’ll find: A woman who’s finally accepted herself and is not going to settle when it comes to her work or her love life. A wife who needs to seduce the husband who is afraid to love. A successful doctor facing down her high school bully and reconnecting with the man who loved her from afar. A midnight kiss that becomes more in the new year. A she-wolf discovering the vastness of her powers along with her soulmate. And more. These women are going for big dreams, facing important goals and changes, and living with a passion that leaves their lovers breathless and aching for more.

Berry Samuels lives a humdrum life, determined to avoid being noticed. It’s just easier that way. On the other hand, Berry’s alter ego and writer of hot romances, Solange DewBerry, has the uncanny ability to make her characters come to life. That’s rarely been a problem until she unexpectedly sets Trista and Brad, her just published hero and heroine, free.  Despite her best efforts, Berry can’t get her larger than life characters back between the pages of their boo and can only watch as they swagger and traipse they way through the real world.
Maurice ‘Moe’ Conrad is a nice guy, eldest brother and owner of Conrad Brothers Building. He plans to spend the next year’s worth of weekends flipping a wrecked Victorian house when he meets a shy writer who sets his world on hits heels. Berry may seem quiet and cute, but there’s a sassy side to her he can’t wait to see more of. The problem is she’s got some ultra-beautiful, but very weird friends who don’t mind haven their most intimate moments expose in a romance novel for all to see. He’s more than a little interested in Berry, but the last thing he wants is for everyone to know the details of his love life.
Can Berry corral the elusive Trista and Brad back into her book without Moe finding out their true nature? And just what would happen if he did?

Here’s the scoop:

Jenny Ellsworth works at The Sweet Shop, doling out doughnuts and coffee. She’s been in love with Joey Conrad for years. And Joey Conrad has been in love with Jenny Ellsworth for just as long. But Joey is dating someone else and can’t bring himself to break up with her. It’s one of his quirks that no one seems to understand but drives everyone crazy.

And then one day it seemed there was magic in the air. Or a really thick fog. Some days it’s really hard to tell the difference. Into The Sweet Shop walked the most beautiful woman in the world, and just like that, Joey was dating Karma, or was he? Regardless, Jenny’s heart was broken. It seemed the fog made it hard to tell truth from fiction because just days later, Jenny happened to meet Hank, a handsome knight in shining armor. He was more than willing to sweep Jenny off her feet, but she wasn’t sure about a man who was too good to be true.

And then Karma decided she wanted Hank while she waited for Joey to fall in love with her…

Needless to say, things got complicated. There were secrets, and revelations, and finally, well, you’ll see.

This collection of poems records the impressions on a child of a 1950’s farm childhood. Poet Liz Kirkpatrick writes in a rhythmic free verse of things remembered and the way they struck her as a child, but with the understanding of maturity. The content reflects family, as is true for all children, but also the physical environment of midcentury small-town Ohio. That sense of place is almost tangible, as if growing from the cover photo taken by the poet’s father in 1949 when they had just moved from Toledo. The 1945 Buick, the corn crib, the weathered barn and the train on the tracks through the fields set the place and mood that continue in the pages.

Something wicked this way comes–and this time, wicked is going to win.

Villains are the heroines and heroes of their stories and in this anthology they are going to be the leading players–and finally find love. In these 10 stories you will find villains from fairy tale, folklore and myth. From the familiar to the fantastic. From Hades to Grendel.
You’ll meet:
A man who gets more than he expected by binding himself to a selkie,
A woman who discovers the loveable Beast in the young man she once knew,
A mermaid who is not meant to be with a prince,
A witch who has so much more to offer than a cabin made of sweets,
A singer who has promised something she cannot deliver and gets help from an unexpected source,
And more. If you’ve ever rooted for a witch, an evil fairy or a wolf, this anthology is for you.

Rhea Hansen-Chalmbers isn’t having the best year of her life. She’s working her tail off at her law firm, and no matter how many billable hours she has, it’s not enough. She’s deep in debt. Her father is in a nursing home. Now, the firm is about to merge with another, far less reputable. And then she sprains her ankle at the gym. Paul Conrad is overdue for a break. He’s out of work since a run-in with a drunk driver left him with limited use of his arm. He’s driving a junker, and as for women… he’s staying away until he’s fit or meets the right one who can come close to the one who got away. A chance encounter at the gym reunites Rhea and Paul, childhood friends and unrequited high school crush. Things are going well until Rhea’s firm demands she represents a drunk driver, the same one who nearly killed Paul. What’s more, Rhea’s hiding a secret that will send Paul running from her as fast as he can.

Pete Conrad is one of the good guys. A good-looking man, he works hard, plays fair, wants to get married and settle down with the right woman. Except once he’s found her, she changes her mind and tries to take him for everything he has.

Enter Ana.

She’s the ethereally beautiful, soft spoken, innocent woman of his dreams. She’s like someone right out of a novel and seems too good to be true. Which is exactly what she is.

Can true love flourish between a flesh and blood man, and the perfect woman from a nineteenth century love story? 

Follow author Solange DewBerry as she tells the tale of how her brother-in-law searches for his happily-ever-after