characters, world building, Writer's Life

The weather as a character

Guess what? It rained today. It also rained yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. Only July 7th, this was the 4th wettest July on record. It's now the 19th and the rain has not abated. Because of all this wet, we have been dealing with periodic basement flooding. On Saturday, I… Continue reading The weather as a character

world building, Writer's Life, writing

Tools of the Trade

I'm doing a lot of writing lately. When you say that to a group of writers it sounds amazing! Bragging almost about your ability to write even when the world is falling apart. Well, I'm doing a lot of writing, but it isn't fiction. I'm writing code. I started a new job about 9 months… Continue reading Tools of the Trade

paranormal romance, Urban Fantasy, world building, writing

I Write the Story

 I'm not one of those writers who believes her characters do whatever they want to do. I'm not interested in interviewing them, asking them what they want to wear or anything of the sort. I'm a plotter. I write what I want to see happen. It would be a little psychotic (if one can be… Continue reading I Write the Story