New Year, Politics, Writer's Life

Year End Review

I sit here on December 19th, and as so many others do this time of year, I am taking stock. Wins. Losses. Things I’m grateful for. Things I wish had gone better. The question I ask myself: did I make this world a better place this year? I might be one of very few Americans… Continue reading Year End Review

current history, Politics

The Power to Make Things Better, or Make Them Worse

I have spent a good part of my weekend thinking about social responsibility; duty to my family, my community, my state, my country, humanity as a whole. I think it’s in part due to the local politicians who knock on my door asking me why my concerns are, how am I troubled by what is… Continue reading The Power to Make Things Better, or Make Them Worse

characters, current history, health, Medical, Politics, Writer's Life, writing

Writing through the news cycle

It seems like every day something new and horrible eclipses something else that is still horrible, but slightly less new. I can't keep track of a pandemic, a sick president, a supreme court nominee fight, California wildfires, presidential debates, white supremacist militias, and kidnapping plots on top of work, home remodeling, and life. Everything is… Continue reading Writing through the news cycle

Love, Politics, Writer's Life

Hope and Cabin Fever–Plus some free books.

These are terrible times. We are seeing humanity at its dumbest (stay home, people!) and its cruelest (hoarding without regard for others). Our leaders are failing us and increasing the risk to our lives by putting corporate greed over the health and safety of their constituents. Yet, some businesses are taking it upon themselves to… Continue reading Hope and Cabin Fever–Plus some free books.