New Year, Politics, Writer's Life

Year End Review

I sit here on December 19th, and as so many others do this time of year, I am taking stock. Wins. Losses. Things I’m grateful for. Things I wish had gone better. The question I ask myself: did I make this world a better place this year? I might be one of very few Americans… Continue reading Year End Review

#resolutions, books, New Year, writing

Start the Year Off the Right Way-With Books!

If you're like me, you are more than ready for 2020 to end. I am hoping 2021 can be a little saner, a little more peaceful, and a lot more pleasant. Since I believe that how we start has everything to do with how we finish, let's start the new year with symbols of sanity,… Continue reading Start the Year Off the Right Way-With Books!

#resolutions, New Year

Keeping Promises We Make to Ourselves

One of my resolutions for 2019 is to finish the two books that are in the works. The first is a standalone and the other is a sequel to House of the Rising Son. Resolutions are promises we make to ourselves. One reason many of us don't keep resolutions is because they are usually humongous… Continue reading Keeping Promises We Make to Ourselves