Lists, Music, Writer's Life

Word Candy

Language is fluid, always changing to incorporate new words and phrases. I’m old school and absolutely refuse to accept new meanings or made-up words in my speech or text.  My characters will never refer to each other as Bae. They will never call something “adorbs”. Colorful speech bubbles I am far less rigid when accepting phrases,… Continue reading Word Candy

Artist's Way, current history, Family, Music, Time

Music Mom

My family is not athletic. Don't get me wrong—we’re healthy, eat right and get exercise, but it is not in our DNA to chase a ball around a field or court. We don’t lace up our sneakers and go run for fun, or find joy in hurling ourselves through space. In fact, the only time… Continue reading Music Mom

Music, Writer's Life

Happy Anniversary to Me!

April 16th is a special day for me. An anniversary of sorts.  My best friend and I had not seen each other in nearly 10 years.  We decided that we wanted to vacation together. What better way than to go to a few concerts?  Prince, our favorite singer/songwriter/performer, was touring the United States for the… Continue reading Happy Anniversary to Me!