Dogs, Family, Love, Writer's Life

Be Kind to Animals

May 1st begins Be Kind to Animals week. Whether you’re talking about our domesticated pets who shower us with love, or the beautiful, awe-inspiring creatures in the wild, they make our lives better. But why do we need a designated week for this? Here are a few facts that might shed some light. According to… Continue reading Be Kind to Animals

health, Love, Writer's Life

The Season of (Self)Love

When you think of  February, you picture red hearts, candy, and flowers.  We go to romantic dinners, have weekend getaways, and enjoy the company of our loves. But February can also be the perfect time to show love for yourself. Last year was stressful on many levels. We were lucky enough to be able to… Continue reading The Season of (Self)Love

Love, Politics, Writer's Life

Hope and Cabin Fever–Plus some free books.

These are terrible times. We are seeing humanity at its dumbest (stay home, people!) and its cruelest (hoarding without regard for others). Our leaders are failing us and increasing the risk to our lives by putting corporate greed over the health and safety of their constituents. Yet, some businesses are taking it upon themselves to… Continue reading Hope and Cabin Fever–Plus some free books.