
Us Animals

While strolling around the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford with a friend, we enjoyed the sunny, clear Fall day observing the animals, foliage and many young visitors. After awhile, it occurred to me that human and animal behavior is much alike. The small bipeds like Tamarins in the Rainforest house prefer high branches above… Continue reading Us Animals


Coastal Thoughts

The progression of landuse in developed areas follows an irregular path, much like human history. We are human, living as time passes in the company of many, many others. Things change. Think how some acres of land might change in the past 400 years, Take for example a stretch of land along the Acushnet River… Continue reading Coastal Thoughts


REAL MERCHANDICE Once we advanced beyond subsistence life, early markets drew fundamental items like crops,livestock, slaves, land, fish, mined minerals, pelts. Items were priced, negotiated and sold.Following markets based on fabricated goods, crafts, art, collectables came next. As capitalismprevailed spontaneous markets could open, when someone offered to buy the boots you worewhile walking down the… Continue reading


Sometimes I Do, Sometimes I Don’t

For my entire life writing has pleased me; even on some primitive levels. I just haven’t applied myself diligently. Striving and finally satisfying the grade school teachers with acceptable forms  on lined paper or with the fountain pen produced relaxed shoulder for me Learning I could capture and keep what I considered the best lines… Continue reading Sometimes I Do, Sometimes I Don’t



All this public discussion I’ve been hearing and reading about  lately regarding communication and conversation we need  has me confused. Today we have so many ways to do it: telephones, letters, instagram, essays, speeches, novels, white-papers, mouth-to-mouth, proposals, jokes, songs, shouts to heaven, dissertations. So many ways to convey thoughts,, make a deal, be happy,… Continue reading Communication?



Between 1765 (Stamp Act) and 1776(Declaration of Independence)  adults in America(Continental Congress) drafted a clear resolution with three parts. They used a process of communication, debate and voting without internet. The Lee resolution was passed on June 7, 1776 and states: “Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and… Continue reading THOUGHTS ON US



The Adirondacks are pretty fine, especially after Labor Day; clear blue sky, warm comfortable air, way fewer people and cars. While visiting there last week, my chum, Ole, and I were there concurrently with the 37th running of the 90-Miler, a classic canoe race from Old Forge to Saranac Lake, NY. Every September, 250-275 vessels… Continue reading PULL, PULL