Time, Writer's Life, writers life, writing

An Honest Look at Goals

D097C3AA-FD60-4AFA-96CF-D6D1140044A9.jpegIt’s January and every blog and article seems to be suggesting ways to set goals and follow through. Apparently many people are like me. We set goals and may even write them down. Then we never look at them again.

With trepidation I looked back at my 2017 writing goals:

  • Finish and publish Wolves
  • Blog on Living After Midnight every week
  • Blog for the Ct Writers’ Circle
  • Get 100 subscribers for LAM

Wolves still isn’t finished. I keep changing the genre.
I didn’t blog for Living After Midnight every week. But I did better for CT Writers. I think I missed one. I consider than a win.
As for 100 subscribers to LAM, that one I made.

It’s time to set new goals and devise a better system to remember. So I began the search for the perfect calendar/organization system. There are numerous systems on the market. Two I like are Lisa Jacobs’ Best Year Ever and the Dragontree system. But they’re not perfect. First they’re notebook size, which is difficult to carry with me. Besides, while Dragontree has lots of reminders and prompts, the actual writing space for each day is small.

Then there are the beautiful ones. Prince and the boys from Supernatural adorn my walls on calendars. #teamDean Unfortunately, there is no space to write and not ruin the calendar so I also have the Flylady wall calendar to actually use.

I also have Daphne’s Diary daybook and Marjolein Bastin’s Nature daybook.

Yes, you counted correctly. I have 6 daybooks for 2018, yet I still did not post this blog on the appropriate date. But it’s only January so there is still hope.

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